Thursday, January 28, 2010

R.I.P 2009-2010 Minnesota Vikings

The 2009-2010 Minnesota Vikings football team, beloved, adored, and admired by millions of fans throughout the world, passed away noisily at the NFC Championship game in New Orleans during overtime on Sunday, January 24th, 2010. A rarely seen disease in 2009, turnoveritis, aided by a late case of 12meninthehuddleitis, reared its ugly head five times, giving an inferior Saints team an edge in which the Vikings could not overcome. Survivors this season include the Saints, Steelers, Cardinals, Panthers and Bears (once). Preceding the Vikings in death this season were the Browns, Lions (twice), 49ers, Packers (twice), Rams, Ravens, Bears (once) Seahawks, Bengels, Giants, and Cowboys. Services are pending, but words of condolences and encouragement can be sent to

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